Family offices protect a family’s collective interests while promoting the success of individual family members. When conducted well, they allow individuals within the family to reach their full potential. In reality, the nature of a FOAHK varies significantly from family to family, depending on the size, assets and services a family needs, as well as their short and long-term objectives and budget.
We have worked with a wide variety of consultants and can use this experience and knowledge to provide you with a better service, whether you are seeking a resource for a long-term strategic project or a one-time consult. Many family office services are unaware of their own family office, but our team can introduce you to yours and discuss it with you.
Our team can then work with you throughout the process until you have developed and implemented your plans. The process of establishing your family office will be less stressful if you understand the objectives and purpose from the outset, and you ensure that the office stands on solid and stable foundations. You can make sure that your affairs are handled effectively and with purpose whether or not you choose to establish a full-service family office.
Some families have family offices already, while others simply wish to organize their interests more effectively. Regardless of the situation at hand, we are prepared to assist our clients on a daily basis, whether it is concerning their personal circumstances, their assets, or the operations of their family office. As an example, we might offer advice on how to structure a new investment, incentivize your employees, or help your family trusts stay compliant with the tax laws.