Different Ways of Using Peas & Pods

Peas are spunky and sweet in taste, and one can enjoy each part of this plant, tasting that pea flavor from the flowers and sprouts. The whole plant harvesting will be good for the farmers, who will bring these shoots, tendrils & grown pods in the market to make most from the crop. You may make like the farmer & take benefit of different parts of your pea plant. Make sure you check out some good recipes using pea pods and enjoy them:

Fresh peas are a delight. They’re bursts of green and taste amazing, much better when they’re picked the same day. Peas are easy to snack out of its pod, mixed in cream and tossed with a little lemon and pasta, and puréed with ricotta and olive oil on crostini. And these are some of the excellent treats that you will want to enjoy.

Pod peas, like the sugar snap or snow pea can be eaten with the pod & pea together; it can be taken as raw or cooked. The pod peas are generally served in stir-fries, salads, as well as other Asian food dishes and they taste extremely good.

Snow Peas

These are the flat and edible pods that have small peas. Its thin and crisp pods are bright green color, turning the rich dark green after getting cooked. They don’t need shelling but string will have to get removed from its larger pods & tips are normally snapped off. They’re commonly used as the ingredient in various Asian dishes.

Sugar Snap Peas

It is one of the most flavorful vegetable out there that is the cross between the snow peas & garden peas. These peas can be eaten in pods and don’t need shelling. When peas mature, its pod increases in the size creating the irregular and lumpy appearance to its pod.

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